Saturday, August 4, 2012

Oh Crap.....There Is Going To Be A Family Reunion

Please do not misunderstand......I love my family.

I am so looking forward to a reunion of the Welch side of the family next summer in Missouri.  Yes, I said is a central location where those who have to travel the farthest from both sides of the US will be able to make it in a day or two drive.  This will be the first major gathering of the Welch's in 25 years.  Of the original 9.....there are now 5. The family members that were the kids of the original 9 are now gathering as parents and grandparents......our "children" are in their teen's, twenties and yes.... even some in their thirties. 

If you know me know what my issue's how I look.  Amazingly, time has stopped for some of my family.  They look young and thin and well you know......

For me......I was struggling with my weight 25 years ago and that hasn't changed,  I don't want to show up as the big one.  I know my family loves me  but I don't want to stand out. 

I want to go to the reunion so bad but I want to go as someone else......

Since going a someone else is not an option........I have a year to make me better,  A sounds like a long time but next July will be here in a flash.  If nothing else motivates me maybe this will.......

I can tell you this for will be 4 crazy days.  I will be meeting some relatives for the first time and reconnecting with others who although we have not seen each other in years have never left my heart.  I have suggested we get "I survived the Welch Family Reunion" t-shirts.  I also think Missouri is a good choice since none of my family lives in the if we are asked to leave the state there won't be any issues.  We will need name tags to identify each other.  There will be committees for everything from food/cooking to entertainment.  It should be a blast!!!

Now I just have to work on me.....getting myself to a place where I feel comfortable with myself.  I have a little less than a year to do it......think I can?? too......

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