Saturday, August 25, 2012

Annie Oakley....I Am Not.....

Another entry to my "Donna tries new things" list......

I am giving fair warning that if you hate guns, do not believe in the 2nd amendment or are against people owning might want to skip this have been warned

Jenn and I went for a shooting lesson to get ready for our CWP class.  We are attending a Ladies Only class on September 9th.  Neither of us had ever shot a gun before so it was a little intimidating.  When we arrived at Lexington Gun and Shooting Range we met with our instructor, Elaine.  She spent some time going over the basics and asking why we wanted to get our CWP.  We sat in the classroom while she showed us various types of guns and ammo.  She taught us about which eye was dominant, how to hold a gun and spent a lot of time on gun safety.  After all of that was over she asked if we wanted to shoot.  We both said we would like to try it so off to the range we went. We put on our headsets to block out the noise of the range and eye protectors.  I volunteered Jenn  to go first.  Elaine put up the target, loaded then gun and reminded us of all the safety issues. 

Jenn got up and shot 5 times hitting the target each time.  I was next and my arms were shaking a little (ok a lot).  I did hit the target all 5 times too.  Then it was Jenn's turn again and then me.  We both felt much better having taken our first shots. As our instructor told us now our class will be easier because we won't be worried about holding a gun for the first time.  She said we will be able to concentrate more on the class.

Here are some pictures of us from the range......

Painting, family reunions, learning to shoot and the CWP class....I am about adventured out for now.....

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