Saturday, August 4, 2012

Resetting to Zero

Instead of focusing on where I have been and what I have accomplished, I am going to act like tomorrow is Day 1.

Instead of focusing on what I have lost or am now able to do that I couldn't before or what I have learned about eating.....I am going to act as if this is the way I have always been and move ahead from here.  You might wonder why I am doing this.......I think by resetting to zero I won't focus on the past as much.

So when I get on the scale tomorrow.....that is the weight for day 1.  It doesn't matter how much I weighed when I started all is where I am now and where I am heading.

That means that when I wake tomorrow I have always been able to do a few miles on the elliptical or run 3 miles in the pool.  I have always been a member of a gym.  I have always worked out on a stepper.

That means tomorrow  I will have always known what quinoa is.......and how to pronounce the name correctly.  I have always known that carb's are not a required food group.  I have always known I should eat when I am hungry not just because it is dinner time.  I have always known that even natural sugar in food isn't good for me.  I have always gone to food stores and been willing to spend a little more to get the healthy foods I like.

That means that tomorrow I will have always written a blog. I will have always shared my personal and thoughts with anyone willing to read my blog. 

I have been searching for a way to refocus and renew my efforts.  Maybe by resetting to zero I can let go of the past and move to the future.  I can leave some of the baggage behind to lighten my load.  OK so here we are Day1.........let's get moving.......

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