Monday, July 30, 2012

Vacation and Reality

I had a great time on vacation......once we got there.  It was the first real ME vacation in a zillion years.  I was able to decide what time I wanted to get up, sleep, nap, eat and just sit an read.  I was lucky....I didn't like the desserts they served...LOL.  I did get in the pool every day and jogged too.  I didn't stress about getting in the pool with strangers or worry about what people thought I looked like in my bathing suit.  For one glorious week I didn't think about work, the dog, what to make for dinner or any of the other things or people that bring stress to my was heavenly!!!! One afternoon, I actually fell asleep while reading by the pool.  Another morning, I sat on a deck near the ocean and read while listening to the sound of the ocean.  If I didn't want to do something....I didn't.  How fabulous is that??? Yes, I did indulge a little.....those lovely island occasional snack......nice breakfasts......I didn't go berserk and still got in my daily exercise. I don't think my blood pressure went up a fact it probably went down a lot......

Now I am back home......
back to the gym......back to healthy eating......back to focusing on trying to lose weight.  I think the vacation rejuvenated me.  Back to portion control.......back to what's for dinner? Back to reality.....

Hopefully, some of the magic from vacation will stay with me......for a while......or until my next vacation.  It gave me a chance to recharge and to see what life is like when I don't have to answer to anyone but me.....guess wha......t it was nice.......more to think about.

OK vacation is over.....time to get back into  4 to 5 trips to the gym each week, healthy eating and Dear God some weight loss......the pounds are going to come off come hell or high water!!!! When things get mind will wander back to that deck and the ocean and the water and me.....just me....

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