Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Week That Was...7/8-7/14.......

This past week was hectic.

I had a training class Monday - Thursday from 8 to 6.  The first obstacle was getting to work BEFORE 8.  I had to be in the class AT 8.  This was a challenge for me but I am proud to say I was there every day on time.  The class involved a lot of numbers, graphing and work done on laptops.  I learn best by doing so at times it was hard unless I was the person driving the mouse (you know me I have to be the driver).  I also learned how to do a Power Point presentation (I know  younger people would say what kind of big deal is that but for me it was something new).  I had to stand up with 2 other people and do a presentation.  I hate speaking in front of groups of people and there was a person who was able to question things about our presentation. This job has forced me to face a lot of things I am not comfortable with.....flying and group presentations being two of them.'s all about growth. (See I have heard that phrase before.....right Jan and Mary??)

Each night I had a salad before dinner to curb my appetite....yum.

I opted not to dress up for "Geek Day" at work. 

I tried not to let others upset me with their negative attitudes and actually I did well with was probably partly due to being tired when I got home from the gym and work to let anyone bother me.

My sleep pattern has not been great.  I fall asleep around midnight.  I wake up at about 1:30 and then have trouble getting back to sleep.  I toss and turn.  I finally fall into a deep sleep around 5:00 and have to get up by 6:00.  I am hoping this is just a temporary pattern and had to do with worrying about oversleeping and being late for class.

I also managed to squeeze in 3 trips to the gym, a pedicure, a face waxing and a there was some ME time........whew.......what a week.

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