Saturday, July 14, 2012

Let's Just Call It Temporary Insanity

Have you ever been pushed by rude people to the point where you have had it???

This morning I went to the gym.  You guessed I walked into the gym so did a woman with 6 kids.  You know where they were heading with beach balls and floatation devices......the pool.  As I went by the pool, I dropped my towel on a chair.  I went in the locker room to get changed and here comes the woman and her entourage.  I tell her nicely children under 12 are not allowed in the locker room.  She says she doesn't know how else to get to the pool.  UGH!!  I also let her know nicely that there will be a water aerobics class starting soon and children are not allowed in the pool during class......she looks at me like I was speaking Chinese.  I go out to the pool and the family has piled all their stuff on the chair where my towels is.......why couldn't they pick any of the 20 other empty chairs.  Jenn moves my towel on her way to the workout floor.  I get in the pool and start to jog.  A beach ball goes floating by me.  I turn around and the woman and her tribe are all playing on the stairs to the pool and the Mom tells me she and her kids don't know how to swim so they can't get the beach ball which is in about 5-6 ft of water.  I swim over get the ball and pass it back to them.  I now move to the other end of the pool.  When I finish my workout, one of the kids is sitting on my towel and the kid is wet.  Is it me?????

After the gym I went and got my haircut. 

Then we went to Publix.......

Jenn went in and got what we needed.  Then I backed out of my parking spot.  I noticed in my mirror than another person was getting ready to back up but since I had moved first I continued to back up.  Next thing I know the other person who started backing up AFTER me is leaning on her horn like I had just broadsided I stopped moving......she continues to back up honking her horn at me.  Then she manages to swerve around me.

I have to admit something in me snapped........I had been taking crap all morning and I was done.  So I took the mature NY reaction......I followed her honking my horn through the parking lot and onto the road, yelling at her (and I wasn't saying Happy Birthday).....we exchanged hand gestures and then I moved in front of her and drove 5 miles an hour.......

Well, wasn't that mature on my part??  Sadly, after a short distance we parted ways never to see each other again.

OK so it wasn't one of my best or proudest moments but I had taken so much from inconsiderate people that I was tired of acting like it was OK for people to be rude, not follow the rules and do whatever they wanted.........why do some people feel like the rules do not apply to them or that they do not have to be polite to others.......I am tired of being treated like a doormat......

1 comment:

  1. You go Donna and your NY self!!!! I love it!! And understand completely!!! Don't let people do that to you!! Good for you!!!
