Sunday, July 1, 2012

So How Am I Doing With My New Years Resolution List?

I am kind of proud of myself.  At the mid-point of the year, I am still on track with most of the goals I set at the end of December.

I have read more, focused on me more, still hitting the gym, and trying to spend more time with friends.

The weight.....oh the weight is crawling off of me so slowly but I have to remember it is better than going up.  All the dr.appts. have been good !!! And I continue to learn about me, food and me, and becoming a healthier me.  Jogging in the pool has become my new passion.

Taking a vacation....YES!! In 16 days I will be in Barbados for a week.  This is my first real just about me vacation in 30 yes count 'em 30 years!!!!! I am so looking forward to the trip!!!!

I have been doing more writing but haven't done anything about trying to get published.  Can someone make a suggestion or kick me in the ass about this one???

Yes, I have learned that I can take a day off and the company will not shut down.....LOL.  I am trying to take breaks to recharge my batteries.  I have scheduled at least one day off every 4 weeks through the rest of the year.

Six  months ago today I lost Mom.  It has been a very hard 6 months.  But I think Mom would have been proud of the way I have tried to keep moving ahead.  I miss her opinion about my big life decisions that I am working through......but I feel pretty confident that she is somewhere watching over me.

I have found joy in the little things in life.  Whether it be watching a Christmas show on the 25th of each month or carrying on the tradition that was started when Jenn was small of making Christmas decorations on the 4th of July or sitting with friends and having a vodka and diet 7up while we solve the worlds problems and my problems too or seeing how diverse a selection of music I can put on my IPOD......none of these are major events but they have made life more enjoyable.

I am sure the rest of the year is going to the time flies I am learning to fly too.....flying solo and at control of my own destiny.......

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