Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Week That Was........

Let me start by saying a big THANK YOU !!!!! After my post last week I got texts, e-mails, phone calls and messages on Facebook from friends and family.  I was suprised at the speed at which they showed up.  I don't think my blog had been out there for 30 minutes when I recieved my first message and they kept coming.  It made me feel good to see how many people cared about me enought to reach out to me.

This week I didn't spend 24 hours continuosly crying although I did have my moments.  The people I have opened up to have not been judgemental.  They have been supportive and kind.  They have not given me their opinions.....for which I am grateful.  They have asked thought provoking questions.  They have given me suggestions.  But not one of them pushed me for a decision.  They all seem to know that I need do what is right for me and only me.  I am trying to take everyone and everything else out of the equation except me.  It is hard to do and is an emotional gut wrentching process.  I am moving at a snails pace......but that is what works best for me.

Never an impulsive person......I think and I think and I think some more.  Eventually, a decison will come......I promise.  And it will be a right decision for me not anyone else.

I sometimes get tired of thinking and when I do..... I try to find other things to occupy my time.  I have been to the gym several times, worked some OT (because I wanted to boss and friend Lisa has been trying to get me to go home at a decent hour), I have read and watched some mindless TV and I sit on my rocking chair on the porch and daydream.

I am working though something life changing is hard to make big changes...... but as I feel my way through I am so glad to have all of you supporting me.  I don't know how I would get through any of this alone and I am grateful I don't have to.........

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