Monday, July 30, 2012

The Ups and Downs of the Internet....

This week I have faced the highs and lows of the way we work and communicate.

The low......

I had to do some work at home this week-end.  I brought home my laptop and hooked it up to my extra monitor.  I even figured out how to have both screens with different info.  I spent hours working on a project for work.  I know I hit the save button.....I know I did.....I am absolutely sure I did.......I think......

When I went back to open the report and the spreadsheet.....all my notes were gone.  I will admit I started to cry....all those hours of work ......gone.  I got myself together and tried to re-create the wheel.  It took about 1 1/2 hours and I was lucky that I had copies of e-mails I had once again I finished and I saved it to my desktop, my file, my e-mail and anyplace else I could.  The one good thing is that I checked it while I was at home and I didn't find out about it after I arrived at the office this morning.

The high.....

My cousin set up a family site on Facebook.  He started it last week and it already has almost 90 members.  I have reconnected with cousins I haven't seen in years and am getting to know their children too.  People are posting pictures and sharing memories.  There is even talk of a reunion next year!!!!

I definitely experienced the good and bad of having a computer.......

Thank goodness there is an auto save on this blog site or you might have missed some great entries!!!!

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