Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Long Distance Family...

I  have cousins on both sides of my family that live far away and I haven't gotten to see as often as I would like or should.  Two of my cousins from my Dad's side of the family came to Mom's memorial service.  I hadn't seen them in 27 years.  I have cousins from Mom's side of the family out west that I haven't seen in 25 years.  OK that is really not acceptable......on my part.

I have very different relationships with these cousins.

The cousin's from my Dad's side .....we spent Easter's, Christmas's and many week-ends together when we were young.  We made up games and put on plays.  We bonded over my grandmother's chocolate chips and chocolate cracker pudding ( I may be the only one who likes chocolate cracker pudding...LOL). When we saw each other back in April......it was as if we had never been apart.  I couldn't believe how wonderful it was to catch up and make plans to see each other again in the NEAR future.

The cousin's from my Mom's side......we didn't see each other often.  It was usually a major trip and we would get to spend a few days together.  We bonded over international meals (including homemade Kim Chee). Each part of the family would cook their family's specialty.......the Raboni's had Italian night....the Corona's covered the Mexican food.....and on and on.  On one trip my family actually flew to Colorado with a suitcase filled with frozen Italian sausage, a suitcase of bagels, a suitcase of salami, cheese and Italian bread.  My brother carried a gallon thermos of homemade sauce on the plane (obviously pre 9/11).

The relationships with both sets of cousins are very different.......but equally important.  My time with them had something to do with the person I am today.  I would give my eye teeth to be able to reach them within a few hours. 

My father and his siblings are gone.  My mom along with 3 of her siblings are gone.  We are fortunate to have 5 of her siblings to connect with......

Part of my journey to discover me includes getting to know all these cousins better.  It is time to get to know them as adults, parents, grandparents not just as children, teenagers and young adults.  I want Jenn to know them too.  While she has great relationships with her cousins, I think it is important that she know my cousins. 

So a new item for the agenda.......no more waiting for the right time to see each other.......no more waiting for an invite.......no more waiting until we have enough money to go (if I wait until I have enough money I might never see some of these people again)........no more saying we will get together next year.......I have to start seeing them NOW.

So this is fair warning to all of my cousins........I will be getting in touch to plan visits.......I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am!!!!

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