Saturday, July 14, 2012

Picture Me With A Headband

When I got in the pool today I noticed part of my Aquagear earpiece was missing.  At first I thought I would just have to use one earphone.  Then it dawned on me the earpiece was still there and I was just missing the part that hooked over my ear.  I put the earpiece in my ear and it stayed so I was good to go.  Later, I thought what if the earpiece didn't stay in place....what could I do?  I decided to buy some headbands.....the wide kind that go all around my head.  I had already decided I would not put the headband on top of my hair so it would flatten it out........I would wear it in front of my hair and let it push my hair back.  Better to push it back than have my hair flattened.  OK I was already expending too much energy worrying about all of this just because I couldn't find one little ear hook.  I must have spent 10 minutes in CVS examining headbands.  Well, I finally selected a few in different colors.  I was planning to try them out tomorrow at the gym and really didn't care how foolish I looked. 

You know of course how this turned out..........a few hours ago.......I found the ear hook.  So at least for the moment I can put off wearing the headband.......thank goodness.......another fashion crisis averted. 

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