Saturday, July 7, 2012

It can feel like being in quick sand....

As I work through the changes I have alluded to I sometimes get stuck,  Not moving forward or backward.....stuck in neutral.  It feels like I am sinking in quick sand.  The more I try  to move the more I sink.  A friend told me about a book she had read about co-dependency.  She said I sounded like her......putting myself last and doing what everyone else wanted.  I pulled up a sample of the book on my kindle to see if I should purchase it. 

Here is short sample from the book.......I am paraphrasing......but you will get the jist of it.

A woman and her friend decided to travel to China.  They were going to visit some special churches.  They decided to visit one particularly special Temple. They had to climb up the side of a mountain and there were a zillion steps.  They got about half way up when the woman had to stop because she was exhausted.  Then a man about 75 years old passed them carrying a heavy beam to the temple.  That gave the woman the push she needed to continue on.  Then as she climbed further she once again ran out of the strength to continue on.  A group of Chinese woman came up behind the woman and recognized what the problem was.  With no words of the Chinese woman walked in front of the tired tourist, another walked behind her and two walked on either side of her holding her hand as they continued the climb together until they reached the top.

The other day I texted a friend and said that I felt like I was sinking in quick sand.  Her response was we have your arms.....meaning they wouldn't let me sink.

Each of you are those people to me.....walking around me helping me on this journey.........holding my hands as I struggle to get to the top or saving me from the quick sand......

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