Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I Am Not An Experienced Traveler

I have never traveled outside the US before.......

What a learning experience this has been.

I had no idea that I had to go through Customs and Immigration going into Barbados.

I knew I would have to go through Customs on the way back.  But I did not plan on immigration, having to go get my bags in Miami, bring them somewhere else to be rechecked and give them back to be put on another plane ( I learned the key is direct flights to skip that step. But unfortunately the airports within 100 miles of my home do not have direct flights to Barbados). We  had to go through security again.  At our gate 5 TSA agents showed up to check ID's and carry on bags at random. 

On our way to Barbados we learned that American Airlines in order to keep their on time percentage up closes their flights 15 minutes before departure time.  So if you are there 10 minutes before flight time (as we were.....you are out of luck).  It wasn't just our flight this happened to........I saw it happen to flight after flight while we spent 5 hours waiting for the next flight to Miami.  I even saw  a Platinum member of the American Airlines travel group told "sorry we can't get you on the flight even though the plane is still at the gate and isn't scheduled to leave for another 10 minutes".  Can someone explain to me why the security at Charlotte Airport sent every person through the full body scanner???? Should it take close to 60 minutes to get through security? I was then patted down since the scanner showed I had something in my shoulder and knee (I didn't know it was also an arthritis check too!!!) I told the agent to pat away.  I am sure that made her day.

We finally get to Miami 5 hours late.  Now we have to wait another 5 hours to see if we can get on the last flight to Barbados that American has going that day.  We didn't know whether or not we would get on the flight until about 5-10 minutes before the flight took off.  We think it had to do with a persistent family member calling everyone and their brother on our behalf. 

Finally, we arrive in Barbados 19 hours after we left our house.  We go through Immigration and Customs again......at this point I have to watch myself or I might be sent back to Miami as the ugly American.  Jenn worked her way through the crowd and lines.......I followed shortly behind her.  She went out to get us a cab when she saw that family was there to take us to the hotel.  I am having major leg cramps which I am told may have to do with no drinking any liquid all day and standing for extended periods of time.

By the time we get to the hotel everything is closed so getting something to eat is not an option.  Fortunately, Jenn goes with her cousin to a gas station and buys a pre-cooked hamburger.and some chips.  When she gets back to the hotel, she tosses the bun and we share the pre-cooked burger and some chips.......welcome to Paradise...LOL.

I learned a lot from this traveling experience.  I admire people who do international travel on a regular basis.  At least, I will know some of the drill for next time.

But I think for a while I may limit myself to domestic travel.......

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