Saturday, August 11, 2012 rules at the gym pool!!!!

WOO HOO!!!!!!! I went to the gym and some of my prayers have been answered!!!!!!!!!!!  There was a notice on the entrance to the pool and the gym and the locker one under 5 is allowed in the pool at all!!!!! The locker room is only for gym paying members and if you let others enter the locker room you can lose your gym membership!!! No one under 12 allowed in the locker rooms.

I guess there had been so many complaints.....including mine on many occasions that they finally decided to take action.  How many times do you have to shut down the pool for extra cleaning?  I guess it had to hit them in their pocketbook for the management to finally take action.  Happy dance.....Happy dance!!!!!!

As I have said many times the pool is there for exercise not for kids to play in.  When someone comes in to swim laps they shouldn't have to wait while a family with 2 kids in swimmies ties up the lanes.

I am so looking forward to going to the pool tomorrow.  Just me and the other adults that are trying to get a workout is good!!!!

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