Saturday, August 25, 2012

Further Out Of My Comfort Zone....

Last week I had a real treat.....I was able to catch up with a cousin I hadn't seen in 25 years.  Her son, Ryan, had just graduated from Fort Jackson.  We hooked up at Rockaways....a local burger joint.  Jenn and I got there a few minutes early so we could snag a few tables and put them together.  After a few minutes Gina, Craig and their family showed up.  I met her daughter, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.  After a few minutes it was of we had just seen each other yesterday.  Jenn bonded with Sabrina over their love of collecting shot glasses.  Gina and I shared family memories.  It was nice for Jenn to meet some of my Mom's family.  When Ryan talked about where he had listed to be stationed he said his list included Italy, Hawaii, Alaska but not South Carolina.  I asked if he would want to be stationed here again.....he was very definite that South Carolina was not on his wish list.....what a surprise....LOL!!

It was fun evening that went way too fast!!

OK so you may be wondering why I titled this entry "further out of my comfort zone"??  Well, that is because about an hour before I was going to meet my cousin I almost called and said I couldn't make it.  Why?? Because of how I look......OK OK I know I know......I am a work in progress but there is that person in my head that keeps telling me I am fat and ugly.  I wasn't sure if Gina would even recognize me.  But then I thought about all the opportunities I have passed up because of how I feel about myself.   Well no more or at least I am trying to say no more......I have missed too many things because I am self-conscious and have had it drilled in my head I am worthless. 

I am learning I am worth something to someone.....ME!!!! Like I had said in an earlier post I am trying to say yes more and no is not easy but maybe after a while I won't have to hesitate before I say yes.  At least I hope I will.....I also need to think of all of the people who would have missed experiencing that would be a loss......

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