Saturday, August 25, 2012

Donna the Artist

I have never been considered artistic.  My idea of a picture of someone is a stick figure.

Last week, as part of my Donna trying new things meant attending An Easel Evening with some friends.  It was held at a very cool old cotton mill that was converted to a restaurant.  There were at least 10 ladies in a section by ourselves.  At each place was an easel and a blank canvas.  We had a choice of painting daisies or a palmetto tree.  I chose the palmetto tree.  Next what colors did I want to use......I decided on Gamecock colors.  The I had a cocktail and then another to loosen up my creative juices....LOL.  I ordered an appetizer (no dinner) and water.  I didn't want to over do it in the creative juices dept.  Now I had to paint.  The instructor gave us the basic idea of what to do.  We selected our brushes and paints. 

Now I actually had to put something on the canvas.  There was a cutout of a Palmetto Tree that I traced.  I was even creative enough to put the top of the tree over to top of the canvas.  OK  I had traced the tree now I  had to paint.  In order to get the Gamecock garnet, I had to do several coats of the paint.  Meanwhile, I had to try an not paint over the outline of the tree.  Once I finished the background I had to paint the tree black.  I used some kind of a painting knife for that...I tried to make it look like the leaves of the tree were overlapping.  I also tried to make the trunk look rough like a real tree trunk would.

When I felt like I had done enough damage to the canvas I stopped.  I adjusted my easel and at that point the painting fell off onto me.  My green shirt was covered in blood red paint. Oh so that is why artists wear smocks???  I get it but it doesn't explain why they wear beret's.   I looked like I should be the corpse in an episode of Law and Order.  I tried to not look too embarrassed.  When we took our group photo I stood in the back so you couldn't see the red paint all over my top.

Soon, the class was over and I had the fun of trying to leave the mill without the patrons seeing my lovely stained shirt.......they might have thought I was part of a murder mystery dinner. 

Next month they are painting azaleas......not sure if I am up to that......I will be have to wait and see. I don't know how much creativity I can stand.  And I don't think it will ever qualify for an art least not one I would want to be part of.......

So would you like to see my work of art????? Ok here it is......I call it "Gamecock Palmetto Tree".....

For those of you who would like one of these wonderful works of art for your own....please don't hesitate to contact me.  All it will take is a few cocktails and I can create it in no time!!!!

And here is a group shot of all the budding artists!!! Yes, I am hiding my paint stain in the second row......I wonder if Picasso had these problems???

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