Sunday, September 12, 2010

Changing it Up Every Few Weeks

Carol is changing up my workout from week to week. There is always focus on balance, core muscles, breathing and endurance. My goal is to not take a break during the workout. It amazes me how hard it is to balance on one leg at a time. Then add putting my arms out at my side and over my head is something I haven't been able to achieve yet. Carol is confident that I will be able to accomplish this in due time. We talked about how to structure my workouts in the pool when I am not in the water aerobics class, she came up with some great ideas. She also suggested I walk to track and either sing to myself (I always have my IPOD hooked to my arm) or walk with Jenn and talk while we walk. This should put me in a position to have to breathe through my nose vs. my mouth. We also discussed aerobic vs. anaerobic. Sometimes when I walk the track, my breathing gets weird and my heart beats hard. Usually, it is when I am pushing myself. The best cardio workout should be aerobic and I should not get to an anaerobic level. Now that I am aware of the difference I know what to look out for.....

I am learning so much about workouts, eating healthy and getting myself to a better place....there is sssssooooo much I didn't know.....what a huge learning curve I am on.....add to it what I am learning about's almost as if I didn't know myself at all until I started on this journey last has been scary, fun, exciting, challenging and surprising....can't wait to see what is next!!!!

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