Sunday, September 19, 2010

When will I learn I cannot do it all by myself

The problem with a good week is that I think I can get through the next week without following all the rules. I stop writing down everything I eat, I guess at what the point values are and act like someone who has not been down this road before. WHEN WILL I FINALLY GET IT ??????

So I go to WW and I am up on the scales. I admit to myself that I didn't watch everything I could have and yes I did eat that damn Panera bagel one morning at work .....I thought I had adjusted my day to accommodate it but I guess I didn't. I didn't cry or beat myself up when I left them meeting. What did I do?? I went to the gym. I worked out for an hour and felt those endorphins popping up. Then I went to Publix for celery, tomato's, low fat string cheese, and some other healthy options. The old Donna would have gone home and eaten something she shouldn't. At least I have learned how to handle the bad weeks......

So back to square one, went to the gym again this morning and planning on a better week. I guess the hard part is it is so easy to fall back into bad habits. But then again I am trying to break a 40 year habit. It was easier to quit smoking (which I did 22 years ago). I did it cold turkey....done finished !! Unfortunately, you can't do that with food......and it is much harder to do it when you have to choose what to eat and what not to.....choices make it difficult.

Well, here is to a better week......just call me the little train that could......I think I can, I think I can....

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