Sunday, September 26, 2010

New clothes (unmentionables)

When you struggle with weight clothes are ALWAYS an issue. Shopping is a pain.....I cannot remember the last time I was able to shop off the rack in a "regular" store. The problem is once you find clothes that fit comfortably you tend to wear them and wear them. Sometimes they can get pretty worn out and then you have to go shop again. ....uugghh.

Or like now....although I haven't lost a zillion pounds, I have lost enough to need some new tops (I can get by with the pants I have now but another 20 pounds and I will be shopping!!!). I am trying to hold off on whatever I can for now but there are somethings that can't wait.....I need a new bathing suit for the pool, my demin shorts are getting threadbare (and here in SC I can wear them a while longer before putting them away for the year) and there is always the need for new underwear. Yes, I said it underwear...... So for a change I ordered myself some from Just My Size....but instead of the cotton I usually order (I know this is way too much info!!!) I opted for some with a silkier feel. You know what....they feel wonderful!!!!

I am sharing way too much with all of you.....
Silky undies.....don't I deseve them.....nothing anyone will see but they sure make me feel special......something to celebrate.....goodbye cotton......I am feeling just fabulous!!!

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