Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Pool Is Open.....

WOO HOO !!!! After 2 long weeks the pool at the gym is open again !!!! I really missed it. During the 2 weeks it was closed I did other work outs including walking the track, working out with Carol and finding ways to sweat. I love the pool. The workouts can be tough but I enjoy them tremendously !!!! It is also very social which I enjoy.

I feel like I am ready to gradually get back on the elliptical. My hip is starting to feel better. I just don't want to over do it and end up back where I was a few weeks ago.

I have even toyed with the idea of going to the pool before work......not sure would mean giving up some sleep.

I am going to order another bathing suit since I am really getting a lot of use out of the one I have now. Maybe a size smaller.....hhhhmmmm......that would be nice!! Not a size I am willing to share with all of you but at least it is smaller......a small victory but I will take it.....

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