Sunday, September 19, 2010

Small differences....

The distance between my stomach and the steering wheel.....the clothes that are getting looser....the reflection in the mirror that doesn't look quite as round.....choosing not to eat something....yes, I said choosing not to eat something.....these are the daily changes I am seeing. These small changes keep me going.

Not having to take breaks during my work-outs with Carol......drinking lots of water (although at 3:00 AM I am not loving it) knees not hurting as I walk the track.....OK I still have to stop due to the not breathing correctly.......keeping up with the water aerobics class even when I feel like my arms might fall off......all of the things say I am heading in the right direction.

Feeling like I belong at the gym........taking a chance by opening myself up in this blog.......getting great numbers at the doctor's office.......having people ask "Are you losing weight?"......ending the 9th month of the year down in the 30 pound range.....things I can feel good about.

Learning to make healthier food choices.....experimenting with new foods. Planning......choosing.....selecting.......thinking about the things I eat. Tofu Shitakke noodles.....not bad. Cherry tomatoes as a snack. Trying Quinoa and liking it. Trying to cut down on sugar. Water, water and more water. Finally starting to get it.....not all the way there yet but at least on the right road.

Yes, I have learned a lot this year....but I have such a long way to go. Can't focus on the destination.....have to celebrate the small differences !!!! So grab a party hat and some confetti.....I ready to cheer over where I am now and where I am heading......

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