Sunday, September 5, 2010


I went for my weigh-in on Friday. Without saying the exact amount I am down, I am happy to say I am finally over the 30 pound fact I am over it by another 1.6 pounds !!! Jenn was waiting in the car for me.....I walked out the door and put both fists in the air like a prize fighter after a knock out punch. I know there will be good and bad weeks ahead but this really excited me !!! It had only been 6 days since I had my last weigh in, so I started to think about what might have been different this week....

I was on vacation this week. Due to the change in routine, I did something I don't always do......I ate when I was hungry....hhhmmm

When I am at work, I tend to eat on a schedule.....breakfast as soon as I get to the office, mid-morning snack, lunch at 1, an afternoon snack and so on....

Also, it was a physical week. Not just at the gym but around the house. Jenn had me on a busy schedule cleaning the house and running errands. There wasn't much down time.....that may have all played into being down at the scale.

At the gym, I didn't take any breaks while working with my trainer, Carol. There was bending, lifting weights, working on balance and climbing on and off the Bosu.

Sometimes it is good to change my daily routine. I am very predictable and do the same things over and over again. The break may have been just what I needed to shake things up.....

I am realistic enough to realize that my next weigh in will not be as good as last weeks but that's OK......I haven't been at this weight in 4 years....I am still shooting for close to 50 pounds down by the end of the next goal will to weigh what it says on my drivers license....I am not saying what that number is but each day it gets closer and seems more achievable....from there who knows.....the possibilities are endless....

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