Sunday, September 12, 2010

The World Is Going On In Front Of You

While I am working out, I tend to look at the floor. Carol reminds me to look forward or up not down. It helps with breathing, posture/balance (the core), opens my chest and makes my workout more effective.

I think I tend to look down for a number of reasons:
-lack of self confidence/self esteem
-don't have to catch anyone looking at me while I workout (afraid I might see someone staring or laughing at me even though Carol has assured me that no one cares what I am doing)
- it has become a habit to walk that way and not have to make eye contact unless I want to
-if I don't make eye contact I don't have to see the judgements others are passing about me when they look at me

OK Carol, I have heard you message loud and clear.....eyes forward or look upward.....see what is going on in the world....don't miss seeing the good is passing me by while I am looking down.....although I may struggle with this new behavior, I am hoping that with each passing day it will become a habit and not something I have to think about time it will become habit......I don't want to miss watching the parade as it passes fact I may want to be part of it.......

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