Sunday, September 26, 2010

Keeping A Journal

One of Weight Watchers big suggestions is to keep a food journal. Everything you eat has a point value. An apple is 1 point and a bagel can be 3 -6 points (depending on if it is a frozen bagel which is a standard size vs. 6 points for a bagel from a bagel shop). As I was told in a meeting, all points are not created equal. That really makes sense. For example, I could eat a salad for 10 points or a chic-fil-a chicken biscuit for 10 points....see the difference. That is why you have to make good well balanced choices. In other words, I cannot eat my daily total in points in Almond Joys and expect to have a good week at the scale. If you bite it you must write the motto heard at some meetings. After a few so-so (which translates to lousy at the scales) weeks, I decided to get back to basics which includes writing down EVERYTHING I eat and drink. That includes the half a slice of cheese I eat when I give Jeter a treat in the morning, it means counting the pretzels I bring to work as a snack, it means the mouthful of grapes (yes even the grapes) and all the other tastes that are easy to ignore. Each morning I would write what I anticipate eating and then during the day I make adjustments if I change what I am going to eat. By the end of the day, I make sure I haven't exceeded the points I am allowed each day ( I am not telling you how many points I can eat each day or you might be able to figure out my current weight and then I would have to kill you !!!) unless I use some of my weekly bonus points. Each week you get 35 bonus points to use as you want. It could be an extra 5 points a day or blow all 35 at a dinner out with friends. I do not use any activity points I earn working out at the gym, I ignore them and hope they will work towards any weight loss for the week.

So last week I journaled and I ended up having a good week at the scale.

It is not hard to just means discipline. I am now carrying my journal in my work bag and I also carry my points calculator in case I need it.

It is said it takes 30 days for something to become a habit.....9 days of journaling done.....I will let you know how I am doing in 21 days.... ;-)

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