Sunday, January 29, 2012

I Have More Yesterdays Than Tomorrow's......

I heard the title of this entry on a show the other day and it just threw me. I don't think I had ever thought about it. I know I am past mid-life because I do not plan on living to be 112 years old. I just never thought of it in terms of days or events. I have had 56 Christmas's, Thanksgivings, New Year's and yes 56 birthdays.

I do believe my efforts the last few years have given me additional time. I need to use the time for good things and not waste my tomorrows and make them into yesterday's of regret.

Somehow I have to accept the cards I have been dealt and learn to live with them. Like the saying goes I have to make lemonade from lemons. Did I plan right to be able to retire someday with Did I start working on improved health in my 30's or 40' Did I appreciate when I could get down on my knee or kneel.....nope. It had been 6 years since my right knee didn't cause me regular pain.......I took the time before it hurt so much it for granted didn't I.

On the good side......I love my job.......95% of the time. I spend more time writing....another plus. I do work out more than I did since high school when we had PE everyday.....and even then I hated it. I have a daughter that amazes me everyday with her confidence, attitude and the way she can make me laugh. I am finally saving up for retirement......better late than never........right. A lot more me time.....very important.

The things I need to to step out on my own and not feel to stop feeling guilty for other peoples lots in to stop carrying the regrets of my past and start looking for happiness in my future.

My tomorrow's may be dwindling down but I believe they will far outshine my yesterday's.....hang in there and see what happens.....

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