Sunday, January 29, 2012

Super Bowl Week.....

One week until the big week before my beloved Giants face one of their arch enemies the New England Patriots.

First, let me say in all honesty....OK here goes......I never expected the Giants to be in the big game this year. Their regular season record was not so hot. But once they got to the end of the season they just took off. Each week I had to listen to sportscaster after sportscaster praise the other team and say the Giants would lose. And each week the Giants......would win. (I can't help but think Mom and Dad had a hand in this since they were huge Giants fans and well when Eli threw that "Hail Mary" pass a few weeks ago......well you know).

Anyway.....Super Bowl Sunday is also a big eating event....right?? I have to start to plan now so I don't totally screw up my healthy eating plan. I will make sure there are plenty of veggies within reach. I will save my bonus points for game day. I will work extra hard at the gym and may try to squeeze in a Friday work out to earn some extra activity points. At least I am thinking about it .....not like before when I would charge in head first and regret my choices later.

I wish I could say I will be sporting some Giants gear but I thought about it too late to order it on the Internet and I don't know why I am surprised but I couldn't find a Super Bowl shirt any where in a 50 mile radius of Columbia, SC. One store told me they do not sell NFL gear and another said they had Carolina Panthers shirts......are they in the damn Super Bowl????

OK........good food choices, hopefully some good commercials and a great game......sounds like a plan.

Mom and Dad.....I would appreciate you being on the field in Indy next Sunday....rooting on your team.

Game on......

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