Sunday, January 22, 2012

What Would I Do Without Friends.....

In tough times your family is there for you. But to get through each day your friends can make all the difference. Friday night I was lucky enough to meet with some friends who I had worked with in the past. It was so nice to see each of them and share some laughs and memories. These friendship are the things that have sustained me during this rough period.

I like most of us take our friends for granted. They are always around and I just assume they always will be. But looking around the table Friday night felt good to know that I mattered enough for them to take time out of their busy schedules for me.

I have received cards and calls from former co-workers. The kindness and generosity has not gone unnoticed. The cards, the flowers, the gift cards and the collection taken up to give me enough money to buy the wind chimes in which some of my Mom's ashes will be can you put a value on that kind of friendship and love.

Later this year when I sit on my porch and hear the sound of those wind chimes........I will not only be thinking of my mom but of the dear friends who made them possible.

I moved here almost 14 years ago and only knew 2 people. In the last few weeks I have come to realize how many people have touched my life. I am grateful that we decided to move south......I would have hated to miss the friendships that I have been lucky enough cultivate.......

I feel so blessed....

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