Sunday, January 15, 2012

Trying Something New

As I have said before I struggled with Saturday weigh-ins. I decided to try something different, Weight Watchers online. I can weigh in when I want, I can track my points on my phone, I can look up points for food and restaurants online.....this works better for me than racing to get to a weekly meeting. Tonight, Jenn is going to help me go through my favorite foods and plug them into my phone so when I leave for work each day I will already have my points tracked. The website is pretty amazing. I even get reminders during the day asking me if I have tracked my breakfast, lunch and dinner......pretty cool.

I can track my activity points. I can find recipes. I can track my weight loss. There are success stories, articles and cheat sheets......

I think this is a great option for me. It will keep me on track and yet give me the flexibility I seek. That's a win I need to focus. And if I lose my phone I am in weight is on that phone.....yikes!!!!! Maybe I should just do what I did on my drivers license.....lie. Well don't most people lie on their drivers license???? Have you ever seen the police pull out a scale at a traffic stop??? So I think I am good.....there are some things I am allowed to keep to myself.

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