Sunday, January 22, 2012

So Far I Like Weight Watchers Online

I am learning more each day about Weight Watchers Online.....

I was able input the foods I eat regularly and I can just hit the favorites list and the points are deducted automatically from my daily total.

The restaurant guide is super easy. I have a bunch of recipes at the tip of my fingers broken down into categories from special occasions to dietary preference. There are food finds, cuisine choices, all foods point finders and on and on. I can track my activity points.

All in all so far this is a great option for me. I even receive reminders 3 times a day asking if I have tracked my meals. No excuses now.....can't say I forgot.....LOL.

I am still playing with the whole program but I have gotten the foods I usually eat on a daily basis working so the points are deducted.

There are cheat sheets, articles, success stories and shopping lists. All very easy to use. I just have to get in a routine.

Right now I have Weight Watcher Taco Soup cooking in the stove......lunch for this week.....yum!!!!!

OK Donna......let use this app to our advantage. I have all the info right on my excuses.....I am going to work this week to continue getting more comfortable with adding my favorite foods online.

It is amazing how much info I have available to I just have to use it....

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