Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Beach House

Last week-end, Jenn and I spent a few days at our friends beach house.  It was wonderful, relaxing and I could feel all the stress leave me.

Putting my feet in the surprisingly warm water......being able to walk on the sand .......sitting in a golf cart and looking at the ocean.   I climbed a lot of stairs and hung in there....even if I did have to climb them slowly.  Watching the tide go up and down in the salt marsh was so interesting.  I took off my watch and didn't keep track of the time.  For me living some place like that is a dream.  I am fortunate to have friends that welcome us into their home and share the beach experience with us.  The mode of transportation around the island is a golf cart.  I have never driven one and have yet to take my turn at the wheel.  Jenn did it without hesitation.  Seeing deer (we have named one Ralph) along the side of the road wandering along was very entertaining.  Jenn did get a little tired of me saying "Jenn look at the deer" for the 20th time.  There are signs for alligators....fortunately we did not come across any of them.   I was able to spend a morning and part of the evening sitting on a screened in porch reading.....a little slice of heaven. 

Sadly, suddenly it was Sunday and it was time to go home.  I can't wait to go back for more surf, sun and relaxation.  I may not be able to walk miles on the beach but I sure enjoy the view from my beach chair or the benches at the top of the stairs to the beach.

Thanks Kathy and Dan for sharing your home with was amazing!!!!

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