Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Good Visit To The Doctor

I went to the Dr. last week and it was all good news.  I had blood work the week before and the results were in for my appointment.  Everything was within normal ranges.  The number I was concerned about the most was the blood sugar.  That number also went down as is within an acceptable level.  I worry about becoming diabetic.  I just don't need that on top of everything else.

Now I need to work on getting off some of the med's I take.  I know the med's help keep all of my numbers within a good range and that doesn't bother me.  It's like wearing bifocals to is what it is.  Though I would like to not have to take med's at all.  Exercising will definitely help.  So will losing weight.  It has been harder and harder as I get older but I am not giving up. 

I dread going to the Dr. but always feel good when I leave and he tells me I am doing everything right and to just hang in there. 

This week I have my dreaded 5 year appt for a colonoscopy.'s not so much the procedure I mind....I mean you are drugged up so who cares but (no pun intended)'s the prep.  Not eating from midnight Monday until Wednesday after the procedure.  Drinking yucky tasting stuff doesn't help either.  5 years ago they gave me pills to take instead of drinking that junk but they don't use the pills anymore.....figures.  I also will work all day Tuesday since that will keep my mind off not eating.  I also do not want to smell cooking in the house......that is what happened last time and it make me even hungrier.

Next month, I have my annual with my much fun can one girl have.......just one fun event after the other.  Seriously, I am just doing what a responsible adult should do.........but after all of this I may drink least for one night.

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