Sunday, June 24, 2012

This week.....

You all get a reading break this week.....just one entry..........

This has been a crazy week.

 It started with me at the gym using my new Aquabeat.  Listening to music while I jog in the pool has been amazing.  The time flies and it drowns out the sound of the screaming children.

The Dr. report finally came in and I don't have to go back for "that procedure" again for 10 years!!!! Woo Hoo !!!!!

One night this week I caught up with some girlfriends for a little while.  It felt good to just have the girls together even if it was only for a few hours.

Friday and Saturday were tough........I cried more in those 24 hours than I have in ages.  Making big decisions and knowing you are hurting people is hard.  Today is better.  My eyes are still puffy from the crying binge but today I didn't cry.  I am closer to some big decisions.

I stayed up a few nights late watching the College Baseball World Series.  I will be up again late the next few nights watching the USC Gamecocks try to beat Arizona.  Go Cocks!!!! (for those not from South Carolina.....this is OK to yell here it is not obscene)

I am into the 3rd book of "that series".

I am trying to branch out in my writing.  Problem is every time I write something and go back and read it.....I realize I am writing about me.  It ends up being about what I wish had happened or hope will happen.  I am not quite prepared to go there yet with all of you.........sorry.

I am thinking of working on one really good article and submitting it to a few magazines to see if I can get anyone to bite.  Wish me luck.

 My life continues to evolve.......I say much of the change has to do with losing Mom.  Somehow it has pushed me in new directions.

As I reach some final decisions I will share them as I feel comfortable.  I am slowly letting people into my circle and letting them know what is going on in my life. funny stories this new great accomplishments.........just the roller coaster that I call my life.  Maybe next week will have some silly things to laugh least I hope it will.........

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