Sunday, June 10, 2012

Carb's Are Not A Required Food Group?????

Why does it take 50 plus years to find out carb's are not required for our diet at all???  I have been reading a lot about the carb's and was actually surprised to find out we really do not need them.  We need certain vitamins, protein, fiber and on and on but no where carb's.  I may actually be making some progress.....this could be a major source of my food problems.....

Looking at the amount of carb's in foods is scary.  Then finding out how many carb's I should be eating a day is even scarier.  I am not sure how to handle this.  I have to look at really cutting them out of my diet but with that goes so many things I love. Try to think of a day without carb''s not easy.  While I know I cannot totally eliminate them from my diet I can definitely try to cut back.

Farewell pasta......adios bread.......ciao potato's........see ya  pretzels.......the list is too long to think about.....

The white bad for me.  Why does it have to taste so good?   Why do carb's have to change into sugar?  Why, why, why........

As I continue to learn and evolve, I am learning a lot about food and me......too bad I didn't start to learn about all of this years ago........but at least I am learning about it now......

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