Monday, May 28, 2012

This is Next Year....

The Brooklyn Dodgers spent many years as the team that could never win the big game.  Year after year they watched the hated New York Yankees win World Series after World Series.  Dodger fans would always say "Wait until next year"....always faithful and full of hope.  When they finally beat the dreaded Yankees in 1955, the New York newspapers headlines said "THIS IS NEXT YEAR!!!!".

For years my mantra has year for this or next year for that.  Jenn even commented that I often say maybe next year. 

My Mom's passing did something to me.  It changed me.  No longer do I want to be the "next year" girl.  I want to start making things happen.

In July, I will be taking my first real vacation in a zillion years.  Not that I discount all the family trips to the Jersey Shore and the like but this is a real grown up vacation.  My first time using a passport.  All inclusive.  No one to worry about but me.  It took years and losing my Mom to get me to do it.  Now, I am planning to take a vacation every year.  My time has come.  Yes, it easy because I do not have to worry about college expenses for Jenn....that is behind us (well kind of.....8 more years of payments and we are done). 

I have even changed about the small things......3 pairs of flip problem......a waterproof pedometer.....why not?  I am not by any stretch going off the deep end but I think I have earned the right to get things I want.  Yes, the mortgage and other bills get paid but I no longer stress over every single thing and try not to walk around like Chicken Little looking for the sky to fall.

I have said for the last few years I am trying to make my life now about me and feel like I am heading in the right direction.  The vacation was a gigantic step....for me. 

I don't know when my time here will be up.....but my intention is to not say at the end of my life....I should have this or I should have that.......instead I plan on creating memories that will carrying me into my old age.

There may not be mountains for me to climb but there is still time for so many other things......knowing that I have had more yesterday's than I do tomorrow's makes me feel I do not have time to waste.....time to get that Bucket List together so I can start crossing off items......

No more wait until next year starts today.......

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