Sunday, May 20, 2012

I Am Definitely Feeling Happier....

It is strange when you notice that you are happy.  I am sure there are people who are happy most of the time so they wouldn't notice.  I have felt good/happy all week-end.  I can't believe I have to make a statement saying that....

Some of the things that made me happy.....
1.  Not having to go to Walmart......I food shop on Wednesday night now so I don't have to go there on the week-end.
2.  I walked a lot this week-end.  I had started to get lazy.  I was pulling up to stores and letting Jenn run in for what I needed.  The last few days, I have been parking the car and walking around the stores too.  Today, I was all over felt good to get back into the routine of getting my sorry ass out of the car and taking care of my own errands.
3.  Two days of jogging for at least 45 minutes in the pool.  I really challenged myself to pick up speed. I also do not look at the clock for as long as I can.  It is fun to check it out after a while and see how long I have been going.
4.  Not too many food issues this week-end.
5.  I put solar lights back in front of my house (the old ones were stolen).
6.  I found time each day to sit on a rocking chair on the front porch and enjoy the great weather.
7.  Plenty of time on the phone with friends and family.....all good conversations.

My happiness project is definitely working......I feel must be all those endorphins at work....

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