Sunday, May 20, 2012

Divine Intervention

I tend to pray over things......should I do this or should I do that....should I buy this or should I not.....the people who know me the longest know that I tend to sit on a fence and struggle to make some decisions.  I usually will do what is best with a nudge from a friend or family member.

Last week, I wrote about finding a water pedometer online.  I was also looking for a way to play music while I jogged in the pool.  Well, I look at what I could find and I looked again.  then I decided not to spend the money and then looked again.

Yesterday, Jenn suggested I look at the Speedo website and see if they had anything there. Doesn't it figure that they had just what I wanted.  All in one compact little container.  It was a lap counter, pedometer, it plays music that I can download from my Itunes and of is waterproof.  Perfect!!! And I wouldn't have to wear a pedometer and something to play's all in one unit. was a little more than I planned on spending. So here is where I started to unit instead of two......Speedo has a great rep with things for the the time I ordered the two other items and paid shipping for them it wasn't much more to get the better item from Speedo (and Speedo would ship it free)......the reviews from the customers who had purchased the pedometer with music loved it.  But still I wavered.......I decided I would wait a few days and think it over.  OK the item I wanted was not that outrageous that I should have been making myself crazy.....but I am so used to struggling when it comes to spending money on me....especially for something that might be considered frivolous......

This morning I went to the gym and jogged in the pool.  There were 11 yes 11 kids in the pool.  I tried to get in a zone and block them out. I got hit with one real big splash.  I yelled "Damn".  They apologized and moved to the other end of the pool.  It was not easy especially when there were adults teaching kids to do back flips off the side of the pool into 4 and 5  feet of water.....ugh.....

I took that as a sign that I should purchase the damn Speedo pedometer.  I ordered it this afternoon and hope to have it before next week-end. 

I talked to the manager at the gym again......I told him the pool with all those kids is an accident waiting to happen.  I told him about the fool teaching kids to dive from the side of the pool into 4 feet of water and showing them to do back flips off the side of the pool.  What an ass.....

I told the manager this is not the family swim club and they would never let the kids on the gym floors with the machines...... why is the pool any different??? 

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