Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Need Suggestions For Foods Low in Carb's and Sugar

As I work on this quest to get carb's and sugars out of my diet I need help.  If I don't get creative I will get bored.  Yesterday for lunch I had cottage cheese and cucumbers with some blue cheese and salad spray.  It was good but not terribly exciting everyday.  I have made tuna with a little mayo (we do need some fats in our diets) but then not bread or crackers.  I have brought lettuce to make a tuna wrap.  When I get home late from work.....who feels like cooking so it's a quick PB&J on lite bread.  I have been working on tracking my points.  But WW does allow more carb's than I think I should have and also they allow more fruit then I think I should have if I am watching the sugars.  So much to learn.......

I need to figure out what is the right amount of sugar, carb's and sodium for me to have each day so I can get on track.  I keep reading articles about people walking and losing weight.  I hate walking, my knee hurts and I find it easier to work in the pool.  Is that so bad?  Now every day at 11:00,  I take a 15 minute stroll around the office just to get my butt out of my chair for a few minutes. 

OK back to the carb's and sugar......I am open to suggestions,,,,,please e-mail me with any idea on a great easy meal that you think I should try.  I don't want to get bored, I do want to give up the white stuff, I do want to figure out what works for me.

I want, I want, I want.........I need, I need, I need.......I try, I try, I try........I can, I can, I can.

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