Saturday, May 5, 2012

Family and Friends

Of course I knew who from the family would be at the Memorial Service.  Getting out of my brothers car there were some others who I saw that touched my heart.

Two cousins that I hadn't seen in 27 years were waiting for us. It took about 10 minutes to catch up and then it was as if we had never been apart.  I realized how much I missed them and our shared history.  We have promised not to let so much time go without visiting each other.  I plan to stick to that promise.

There was a blacktopped path near my parents graves.....there stood some of the friends of their youth.  They had known my Dad since childhood and my Mom since she was 17.  To see those friends now in the late 70's and early 80's meant so much to me.

Hugs were shared, laughter and stories of the past were part of the luncheon. 

It was like watching old family movies or flipping the pages of an old photo album.  As I looked at those that had gathered in memory of Mom, I could picture her at each of those tables......smiling and laughing as only she could. 

I am grateful to those who traveled to spend time with reminded me of how many people Mom touched and loved .........and it was a visible reminder of those who loved her.

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