Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Love to Laugh

This week, I have had several occasions to laugh.....I mean really laugh.  Most times they were private jokes between friends that only the friends would understand.  Or it  was a shared memory with a family member.  I feel so good after real hard laugh.  My eyeliner runs and I hold my side in pain because I cannot stop.  I will think about something funny and start laughing all over again. 

This week I laughed about dancing, current phrases, those books, a SNL skit, carrying messages between friends, tv shows and sharing experiences with co-workers.  What could be better than that?  I have to spend so much time focused and serious that once in a while it feels great to break loose and just be silly. 

I don't act silly easily.  I hate drawing attention to myself.  OK if vodka is involved it is much easier to get me to act silly and laugh.  I have found while I am trying to work on being a glass is half full person.....laughter is part of that mix. 

No, I will never be the person with the lampshade on my head at a party but if the comments can have some sarcasm....that is my specialty....nothing mean or malicious but works for me.

I also think I can burn a few extra calories by laughing more often......and that works for me too!!!

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