Monday, May 28, 2012

I Can't Even Figure Out The Earphones

My Speedo Aquabeat2 arrived on Saturday.  Loading the music from my IPOD onto it was easy.....for Jenn.  Meanwhile, I played with the earphones.  Just trying to get those suckers on my ears was a trip.  Jenn laughed as I tried them on from various angles.  I finally had to take my glasses off to get them on my ears and then  put my glasses back on.  And the part that goes in my moves.  Which makes sense except when I finally got the earphones hooked around each ear and then had to re-align them to get the earphones in my ears.....what a mess.  I tried to figure out the such luck.  Even Jenn struggled with that.......I ending up calling Speedo.  They gave me another phone number.  Of course, they were closed for the week-end and the holiday.  I will call them tomorrow....listen to these weird customer service hours.......10-4 pacific time???? I thought the whole world operated on EST.....maybe I am being a snob thinking everyone should work based  the time on the east coast....LOL.

Saturday, I was out in the car while Jenn was shopping at Kohls.  At one point I started to laugh.  I had my IPhone plugged in and charging.  I was playing my IPod and reading my Kindle.  Thank goodness I hadn't brought my IPad along.....LOL.  I may have gone a little over the top on the electronics thing but once my Aquabeat2 in recording all of my times jogged in the pool.......I will be a happy camper.  I mean what else could I need.......but then again I was the person who told Bob the VCR's were a waste of money about 25 plus years ago.  I remember saying "what the hell do I need something for to record TV shows while I am not home"  At that time they ran about $500, had a wired remote that stretched across the living room and you needed a degree in Nuclear Physics to program them.......OK maybe a slight exaggeration but pretty close for me.

Now, I can't get through a day without my laptop, IPhone, Kindle and dear God please don't take away my if I can just get the Aquabeat2 to record my steps and miles.......

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