Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Found A Waterproof Stopwatch

You can find just about anything you want on the internet.  I just plugged in the words Water Proof Pedometer and poof ....there was a list of places I could order from.  I am very excited about ordering one.  Now I can really track how far I am running/jogging in the pool each week. I think I am running about 3 miles each time I am in the pool.....I will be curious to see if I am right.  If I am doing the 5K I think I am, I can start to work on my 10K.  I am hoping to be able to do a half marathon by the end of the year.  That is my new goal.  I am also trying to find an inexpensive  form of music I can listen to while I run.....any suggestions??

I will be able to track time, distance and calorie burn.  When I think I am ready for the 10K or half marathon I will let you know.  I may ask friends to stop by periodically to check on me and encourage me.  I am thinking I will have to be in the pool several hours.  I might need a cheering section to keep me motivated.

Once I get the pedometer I will let you know how close I have been on my "guesstimates" regarding how far I am running/jogging.  I sure hope I am right!!! Not that it really matters.....I have to keep thinking what it would be like if I hadn't started to workout at all.....

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