Saturday, May 5, 2012

Turning the Corner......Giving Up Food

I don't know why but I hate throwing out food.  If there are leftovers, I will either heat them up, take them for lunch or make them into something else.  I once went as far as to make Meatloaf Soup!!! I told my family to think of the chucks of leftover meatloaf as square meatballs.  I have to admit that is one meal we have never had again.  As hard as I try there are many times when I make just a little too much.  Well, I have decided that from now on unless it is something healthy.....I am going to pitch it!! As a child who was a charter member of the Clean Plate Club, throwing out food is very hard for me.

Another thing I am now doing is not eating out of guilt.  I know it sounds crazy but I have done this too!!  I bought 4 black and white cookies in NY, I brought them home to have as a treat.  Well, I guess they don't travel well and definitely don't taste as good after being in the refrigerator.  I had one the other night....well half of one.  It didn't taste as good as I thought it would.  So in a big moment for me....I threw out the half  I hadn't eaten and gave Bob the other three.

I used my Weight Watchers on line tracker several days this week.  During a Potluck luncheon at work I made a real effort to only eat healthy things, I didn't go near the dessert table which was loaded with goodies that made me drool and my contribution to the luncheon was a bowl of fresh fruit. All steps in the right direction!!!

I am really trying to focus on eating less carb's since it has finally sunk in that they change to sugar (at least I think I have that right).  I read today again about fruit and how even the natural sugar from them is not good for me.I think I finally get what I have been told time and time again about foods with the fat removed have more sugar added to improve the taste. 

Guess what.....I am starting to understand some of this.......I am once again going to try and switch things up and focus on the carb's, sugar and fat free foods.  I am going to eat more proteins, veggies and salads (don't worry they won't be loaded with cheese and dressings that are calorie laden).

I know I have tried some of these things before but I feel like a light bulb has gone on over my head........I really think this is going to help me with my goal to get healthier and lose more weight.  Between this new understanding of what different types of foods do to my body and my time working toward  my 10K in the pool.......I should see some good progress.........

My heart believes it and my head does too.......there is no way in hell I am giving there!!!!!

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