Saturday, May 12, 2012

What I Said About Mom At Her Memorial

I always thought of myself as my Father's daughter.   The way I saw it Greg and I were Dad's and George and Cheryl were Mom's.  Kind of silly isn't it?

Once he was gone, I got  to know my Mom.  Especially, when I became a Mom myself.  I realized how smart she was.  She was my mentor.  She taught me how to be a Mom.

In these last few years, we talked everyday, sometimes more than once a day.  My drive time home from work was our time to visit.

I still pick up the phone to call her or I will think to myself- I need to call Mom and tell her about something that happened.

We would talk about everything- from her grandchildren and greatgrandchildren that she adored to sports.  She loved watching her grandchildren's college play football, basketball and baseball.

She would always say "Have you talked to anyone?"  Which meant had I talked to anyone in the family.  It meant a lot to her that the family kept in touch.

One of the last messages I had from her on my answering machine was on Christmas Day.  Her message was simple..."Did you see those Giants!!!"

She tease me about not being able to hem pants.  I saved them for her visits. 

She would laugh when Jenn would grab the phone from me and say "Nannie, let's talk about me."

We became friends, Mom and I.  She was my rock these last few years and I miss her more than I ever thought I would.

Then I read the following:

I stood watching as the little ship sailed out to sea.
The setting sun tinted in its white sails with the golden light as it disappeared from view.
A voice at my side whispered "She is gone"
But the sea was a narrow one and on a further shore a little band of friends had gathered to watch in happy expectation.
Suddenly, they caught sight of the tiny sail and at the very moment when my companions had whispered "She is gone".....a glad shout went up in joyous welcome with the words...."Yeah!! Here she comes!!!!!"

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