Sunday, May 20, 2012

Stop Looking at the Big Picture

I have set smaller goals.  5 pounds at a time.  I keep looking too far ahead and then feel defeated when I am not making the progress I desire. 

My rings are looser on my fingers....most days.  I have been able to wear a ring recently that I haven't worn in a few years. 

I was able to buy flip flops in a smaller size......does that matter???My shoes size width is still wide (what a surprise). 

Sometimes I wear more fitted tops.  A major break through for me.

But as I do lose some weight....there is ugly sagging skin that I have to look at.  I can now see my feet..... but in my slacks there is that ugly saggy skin......not a very pretty sight.  I can only expect that to get worse as I continue to lose.  I will have to find exercise to tighten that up.  But at my age.....I am fighting gravity and Father Time. 

There are times when I look at pictures from 20 or 30 years ago and I wonder who that person did I get from there to here?  I always thought of myself as overweight but now I would give my eye teeth to be the person in those pictures.  I can never be that person again but I can be better than I am now.....and that is what I have to shoot for.....

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