Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Wind Chimes

My friends from Wachovia/Wells Fargo gave me a wonderful gift.

The collection they took up after Mom's passing was for wind chimes that I wanted. The wind chimes have some of Mom's ashes in them.  They were hung up on my front porch Tuesday.  As soon as they were up they started to ring.  They have a beautiful sound to them and each time I hear them I think of Mom.  Jenn and I have already commented several times that Nannie is talking to us. 

Seeing and hearing the chimes not only makes me think of Mom but also of the kind and generous friends who made it possible for me to have them.

Here is what they look like.......

I can hear them now in the gentle wind outside.  With each sound it is as if Mom is saying "Donna, I am here with you!!"  It is exactly what I need to hear right now.....

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