Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flip Flops

When I go from here to the next life.....I want to be wearing flip flops!!!  I love them!!!  When I lived in NY, I would wear them all year round.  You would see me walking the dog in a path we had shoveled in the snow wearing flip flops.  You would see me out in the rain in flip flops.  I wore them before they were fashionable.  A woman ahead of my time.....LOL

My favorite sandals are Yellow Boxes.  They have great cushioning and come in fun colors and designs.  Last year, I bought a pair for my nephews wedding.....they were black with black sequins.  Very pretty and went well with my outfit. 

I have another pair in Gamecock colors ( for those of you from the north that means they are maroon and black.....the colors of University of South Carolina where the mascot is the Gamecock)....a gift from a friend when I switched jobs last year.  They have been worn to death.  You can tell by looking at them that I walk on the outsides of my heels......LOL.....they are worn on the back outside of each flip flop. 

Me.....Mrs. Procrastinator......usually looks for new flip flops when the season is winding down.  Yesterday, Jenn and I went to Belk's.  I found a pair to replace the Gamecock colored pair that I need to pitch. Then I made a big mistake.....I kept looking to see what else they had......big mistake....LOL.  I found a pair with bronze/copper sequins and a pair with multicolor fuscia sequins.  I tried them both on and loved them both.  Here we go with the decisions again. 

Once I found out they were on sale my decision was easy......I bought all three pairs.  Normally, I would have bought one pair and then hoped that the other pairs would have been still around in a few weeks.  Not this time.....I felt like I had lost my mind but at least now I have enough pairs to switch off.

You would think these would be easy decisions but for me they are not....why you may ask???  Because I am always thinking of something else I can use the money for or might need the money repairs, life insurance, Dr. bills.......all very practical.  But that has been one of my problems all along....I have almost always yielded on the side of practicality.......

Dependable. reliable and practical......not terrible qualities......but also not always fun.  I am trying to change.....very slowly.......not that the slowly part should surprise anyone........

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