Saturday, June 16, 2012

Learning I Can......

Sometimes I need someone to remind me I can.....can what?  Just about whatever I want.

I gave Jenn an empty diet Pepsi bottle for the trash.  She handed it back to me and opened the lid on the garbage pail.  She wanted me to throw it and get it in.  I threw it half heartedly and missed. Game over.  Not as far as Jenn was concerned.  She picked up the bottle and handed it to me.  I tried again and missed.  Each time I said "I can't."  I didn't even realize I was saying it.  Jenn kept on picking up the bottle and giving it back to me.  It took several tries but finally I got the bottle in the can.  I said "I can!!"  Jenn smiled and walked away.

Just a simple reminder that I need to keep trying because I can......

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