Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Make-Over

Take two friends and one Mary Kay rep.....put them together and what do you have ???? One silly evening.  Friday night I headed over to my friend Mary's house for a girls night out.  Some of the other girls were not able to make it, so it was just the three of us.  My Mom used to sell Mary Kay and I know it is hypoallergenic but for some reason it irritated my skin.  This really annoyed my mother!!! I told Mary ahead of time I wouldn't be able to try the products due to my previous experience but I would come and hang out.  I watched as Mary did her make-over.  Of course, I did add some comments that just made us laugh as she went through all the steps.

When she was done, I decided to give it a try....what could be the worst thing that could happen??? Break out in a rash??  Have a severe allergic reaction?? Die??

First decision.....I was not wearing a headband to keep my hair out of my face....what a rebel!!  Then when I was told to put the cleaner and other items for my face on 5 spots on my face (forehead, chin, cheeks and nose).  I said it was like making the sign of the cross on my face ....being Catholic I had that down pat.  I had to let each item dry....not good for a person like me who doesn't want to wait.  The decisions decisions.....colors and more colors.  We chatted as I went through each stage.  I have to admit it looked good when we were done.  The poor Mary Kay rep kept asking if I was feeling OK.  I think she was worried I would keel over right there in Mary's living room. 

Then I got to use something to make my hand feel soft.  Part of the procedure included using a exfoliate.  I loved that fact I screamed with laughter because it felt so good. 

I have a great time.  I didn't have a reaction to the make-up.  And I think I made the Mary Kay rep between the lines....LOL. 

Now if I can just remember what order to put the make-up on in and don't use the stuff for my hands on my face or visa versa it should all be good........Once I have mastered the make-up, I may update my profile will just have to hang in suspense and wait to see......

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