Sunday, June 26, 2011

Crazy Eights

Thursday I met with Carol. We worked on the balancing thing again. Standing in the middle of the room with nothing to grab onto and Carol tells me to stand on one foot and put my arms out. I know this sounds so simple but for me it is hard. My fear of falling is there front and center!!! Carol then has me move over to where there are bars I can grab onto if I feel like I am going to lose my balance and fall. I do better. Carol says it is all in my head and she is right. The fear of falling is hard to conquer. I was able to lift my leg and stand a few seconds each time. I would try to find my center to not shake so much. Carol would remind me to keep my shoulders down and my arms didn't have to be out at my sides like the wings of a plane.

After I had worked up a good sweat, we moved on to the stairs. She had me hold weights in my hands and climb up a step, then go down a step, walk around the stepper to the left and start the process again only this time I went to the I was doing a figure eight. LOL.....I was looking at the floor so I wouldn't trip (do you see a recurring theme here???)....but actually started to get dizzy from walking around and around.....I am such a noodle head!!!

By the time we were done, I was sweating on the stepper and all over myself. Yes, I even had that wonderful experience of sweat running down my back all the way down to you know where (how is that for a visual you would rather not have wanted to have)......which made even my pants soaking attractive a picture is that.....LOL......

None the less.....that is a price I am willing to pay as long as I see the if you see me this week standing on one foot trying to get my core straight and my balance right.....don't laugh too's just me doing my homework.....

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