Sunday, June 19, 2011

Finances Have Ruled My Life

Money has ruled my life.....

Even now it does.....

I make a decision about how much time with my trainer based on finances. When I food shop there are things I would love to buy but because of my budget I can't. I can't afford to buy some of the clothes I would love to wear. All because of money....

My fiscal management has not been the best but I do try and stretch a dollar as far as I can.

If I had the money, I would meet with Carol at least once a week.
If I had the money, I would buy more fish, fresh veggies and shop at Earth Fare more often.
If I had the money, I would not have to wear the same clothes over and over. I would have brighter colors, better fabrics and better fit to my clothes.
If I had money, I could eat sushi more often.
If I had more money, I could take vacations by the beach where I could feel the stress leave my body.
If I had more money, I wouldn't stress out of the cost of getting my face waxed.
If I had more money, I could sleep better at night.

Since the money situation is not going to change any time in the near future......I have to make do with what I have......the trainer every other week, sushi once every couple of months, new tops made with material from JoAnne's, try the farm stands for in season veggies, only get my face waxed when I start to look like Honest Abe, and know that somewhere in my future there will be a vacation at the beach. I will try to dream instead of staring at the ceiling at night.

I can't do anything about the past......but my dreams can be about the 2nd half of my the Second Act I plan to do better.....especially when it comes to me....

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